New shared trades page

As the number of shared trades has been climbing lately, it became clear that the old shared trades page was outgrowing its initial design. So now, the new, redesigned, and much more useful shared trades page!

Shared Trades

The following sections are annotated in the screenshot above:

a. The trades themselves now take center stage. Each trade contains a thumbnail of a price chart; the chart will be one of the ones the trader has chosen to share with the trade. We decide which of the selected charts to use based on a “best-fit” technique – basically, the most granular chart that shows the entire trade is the one we will show. Click on a trade to see the detail or leave a comment.

b. A list of the users who have shared the most trades. Is your name on that list? If not, why not? 🙂 Clicking on a user will filter the shared trades to just that user.

c. Popular symbols, in a “tag cloud” format where the most popular symbols will be in a larger font. Clicking on a symbol will filter the shared trades to just that symbol.

d. Trade side – clicking long or short will filter the shared trades to just those on the long or short side.

So come check out the new shared trades page, perhaps add some of your own trades to it, and leave some comments for other folks!