
Calendar Reports

We’ve added new reports to let you view your trading performance on a calendar. To view the calendar report, go to the Reports View, Overview tab, and click the Calendar group:


You’ll then be able to select a year, and you’ll see the calendar for that entire year. Each day will be colored – green for positive days, red for negative, blue for flat, and gray for days with no trades:


If you click on one of the months, you’ll see a detail view of that month. Each day will show the number of trades on that day, and the P&L (either aggregate or average, and reported in $, ticks, or R depending on your setting):


Clicking on an individual day in the calendar will take you to that day’s page in the Journal View, so you can review the individual trades on that day.

These reports make it possible to see certain kinds of patterns at a glance. For example, if we look at this month:


We can see very quickly that every single Thursday and Friday in the month was a losing day. We can then take a closer look at those days, and use the detailed reports to drill down and understand what might have been happening there.

Calendar reports are available now for all users!

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